Tuesday, October 8, 2019


 TARZAN UNCHAINED!!! by Dave Goode
It's a funny thing. I know Mike Henry only made three Tarzan movies. TARZAN AND THE VALLEY OF GOLD ( 1966 ) , TARZAN AND THE GREAT RIVER (1967 ) and TARZAN AND THE JUNGLE BOY ( 1968 ). But in my mind it seems like he made four. It doesn't matter how many times I look it up and see he made only these three. I still think he made four. If there had been fourth Tarzan movie starring Henry I would have liked to have seen it feature one or two characters from the Edgar Rice Burroughs' books. Specifically Jane and La of Opar. I'd  also liked to have seen the untamed ape - man of Burroughs.

Henry, the former NFL linebacker, comes close to matching the primal ferocity of Tarzan in his fights with Rafer Johnson in TARZAN AND THE GREAT RIVER and TARZAN AND THE JUNGLE BOY. And the climatic battle between his Tarzan and the cyclopean martial arts master played by Don Megowan in TARZAN AND THE VALLEY OF GOLD is another standout. In that one he break's his opponent's neck with a full-nelson. Tarzan's signature wrestling hold. But if you really want to see Henry cut loose check him out in THE GREEN BERETS (1968).

Okay we have Mike Henry cast as Tarzan again. But who to cast as Tarzan's mate Jane and La? Well for Jane I'd go with either Barbara Bouchet or Celeste Yarnall. And for La , the high priestess of the lost city of Opar, Hammer scream queen Martine Beswick.


  1. Woody Strode should have played Muviro, hereditary chief of the Waziri, and Tarzan's close friend.

  2. Swell Faux Film! Primal ferocity--well put. Missed opportunity in TARZAN'S FIGHT FOR LIFE not having Woody Strode and Gordon Scott fight to the finish, though a few online (publicity?) stills hint at action missing from the movie.
